When you are missing all or several of your teeth, a denture is usually necessary to restore your smile.
When you are missing teeth, you may find that you have difficulty chewing your food properly. It is also possible for your face to take on a "sunken-in" appearance because your teeth aren't there to fill out your cheeks & lips or to provide normal jaw separation. If this is the case, there are two different dental appliances available to restore the form and functionality back to your smile: partial dentures and complete (full) dentures.
Partial Denture
If you still have some of your natural teeth but are missing several others, a partial denture might be right for you. A 'partial' replaces the missing teeth but uses your remaining teeth, clasps, and a framework to ensure a secure fit.
Complete Denture
If you are missing all of the teeth on the top or bottom of your mouth, a complete denture will be necessary to restore your smile and to help you enjoy food again.
A denture is recommended to replace all the teeth in you upper and/or lower jaw. Sometimes in the right situations a denture can fit snugly; but, if necessary, a small amount of denture adhesive can add some extra stability. In other cases, dental implants can be placed in the jaw, which will anchor your denture in place.
In either case, Dr. Altadonna and team are dedicated to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your partial or complete denture.
Starting with a consultation appointment, teeth are selected to match your natural-given smile. If you need to add fullness to your face, improve your ability to chew and speak, or restore your smile, your custom-made denture will be designed to meet all your unique needs.