
Implants are a great way to replace a single missing tooth, multiple teeth, or even secure a denture. They blend in seamlessly with your natural smile and are an excellent long-term solution to replace missing teeth.

The doctor will first take x-rays to determine if there is adequate bone to support your implant. Once that determination has been made, you will be scheduled for the implant placement. Most people are good candidates for implants, but some chronic illnesses like diabetes or personal habits like smoking can interfere with healing after surgery.

The appointment to place the implant usually takes about an hour. A local anesthetic is given to numb the area, just like with other dental work. After the appointment, a soft diet for a few days is usually recommended. The implant is allowed time to osseointegrate (allowing time for the bone to secure itself to the implant), which can take 3-6 months.

Once the implant has osseointegrated, it's time to make your replacement tooth. Impressions will be taken, or in some cases, the area will be digitally scanned using Cerec 3D technology. A crown or bridge will finally be made to replace the missing tooth or teeth. Once the new tooth is in, it will blend right in with your smile!